Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fund Raising for sending Missionaries!

Time is swiftly passing and Bro Chads have set Nov 9th as the departure date for going to Ghana! In the meanwhile Bro Chad's sister Serenity Martin has volunteered to go with them and help them get settled in for the first 6 months.

The mission policy is that any youth going to serve in L&HCM will raise their own support for their time of service and so the youth at Light & Hope Church have rallied to help Sister Serenity raise the funds for her air ticket!

This led to a special fund raiser breakfast for a large bicycle club called the FREE WHEELERS (around 1300 bikers) passing through the area! Here are some pictures of that event. We raised close to $1000! Thanks to the FREE WHEELERS and the local church youth for making that a possibility.

Lots of good food....

....and hungry people....

.....and bicycles!!