Thursday, June 16, 2011

April 28th Chad's Birthday!

Chad's birthday.... Rennie got up bright an early and started donut dough! Then after it rose twice... I came and helped her with the frying... and glazing! Quite a lot of fun! We made about 8 doz. of donuts... and more than that of donut holes [cuz we made holes with all the leftover dough]!!! About 9am we called Bro. Samuel to come with his children and help us eat up some of these donuts... then we gave some to our American neighbor girl, Hannah... plus bagged up some to give to our old neighbors from the other house!!! In the afternoon we went to Shekinaiah Glory Hotel to swim in their pool.. the was shining bright and the water was warm... a little green... and the water level in the pool was pretty low [several inches below the skimmers ]... but fun nonetheless!!! Two grown guys came and joined us soon after we got in... they didn't know how to really swim but were just practicing what they knew... so Chad was giving them lessons! Actually he was trying to help me learn how to swim better... and they overheard us talking and started asking him questions! Chace is such a fat heavy guy... but you get him in water and he just floats... we put arm floaties on him and would float all by himself and even try to 'swim' by kicking his legs, etc.! Elayna on the other hand is almost terrified of the water.... and this cute little rhino intertube that we got for her and Chace! Sometimes the children just like to sit on the steps with just their feet in the water... and the intertube is just in the pool... well, when it starts coming towards them they both cry and scream... and Elayna says, "The Rhino is going to get us!" With this horrified look! Then after swimming for awhile we made our way to another motel off the river where we ate supper ... it was a beautiful evening... and we had a delicious supper of grilled chicken and french fries! There were a ton of Americans there... all with the peace corp. So it was dark till our supper was over... and Ren and I had to bike back with Elayna... in the dark! [Chad took a moto with Chace back to the house since we only have two bikes] We were trying to decide if we wanted to ride through town.. with all the traffic and lights.. or the back way with all the loose dirt, pot holes, and few lights! Chad told us about a side road through town that we opted to take.. and it was a little busy at the one section... but thankfully not a lot of big semis trucks like the main road would have had! Then JUST as we got home... it started to rain!